This page provides you with useful links and references related to SQLite.
SQLite useful links

SQLite Download – links to download SQLite in various versions.
SQLite FAQ – provides SQLite’s frequently asked questions.
SQLite CLI – gives you command line Shell for SQLite.
SQLite’s SQL language – shows you a list of SQL statements understood by SQLite.
SQLite3 Overview Slides – provide a brief overview of SQLite3
SQLite interfaces
SQLite4Java – Sqlite4java is an open-source, minimalist Java wrapper for interacting with SQLite.
SQLite JDBC driver – SQLite JDBC is a Java library interface with the SQLite database.
Python DB-API 2.0 interface for SQLite databases.
Python SQLite3 documentation – Python DB-API 2.0 interface for SQLite databases.
Perl SQLite – Self-contained RDBMS in a DBI Driver
SQLite GUI tools
DB Browser for SQLite – an open source tool to create, design and edit SQLite database file.
SQLite Studio – a free SQLite database manager that provides many useful features to work with SQLite databases.